Friday, November 18, 2016

Week 7

 Is technology killing teaching? Or does technology make good teaching better? Read this article  to find out. The flipped model is changing education. It is allowing student to learn the needed information at home and come to class ready to engage. The article also talk about how technology can be used in the cyber environment to allow shy students to voice their opinions. These students who might just sit back and observe in the brick and mortar setting. I truly think that this article brings up some great points. Technology cannot replace teachers. Technology can allow good teachers to be better teachers. It can also allow students who might not engage in front of their peers to engage. I truly think that it is important that we educators continue to evolve with technology. However, I also think that it is important to understand that it won't replace good teachers it will only make us better!

Will data alone allow us to reach all learners? No. However, can good data and a touch of personalized learning allow us to reach our hard to reach learners? Maybe. Read the article to find out. Data alone cannot reach our learners' needs. We must find a way to not only use quantitative data but qualitative data and show the students they matter. We must invest in our students’ passions and allow them to invest in them too! Too many teachers cannot connect with their students’ lives therefore we cannot understand their needs. How can we allow students to be themselves? Students today come into our classrooms with languages and cultures that we don’t understand. Therefore, we must allow for personalization to find common ground and allow our objectives to be meaningful to all learners!


  1. Hi Brady,
    Your blog hit on many key points! Technology is a great platform for students who are shy or have social anxiety. I agree that educators should continue to learn and apply technology to the learning needs of their students. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I currently have a student who does not want to present material in front of the class. I gave her the option to make a video with her slides. She chose this option, because she has issues with anxiety. Even though, I'm not 100% happy with this decision because of my own personal beliefs, she got to experiment with technology and present her material to the class.

  3. I completely agree about technology not being a replacement for teachers. I have sadly seen many teachers that use computer based programs while they sit back and watch. There was one teacher at my old school that just monitored his class on Khan Academy every day during "math" period. This is actually part of the reason I dislike Khan Academy so much is because of how I've seen it implemented in the past.
